Tarot Glance

Tarot at a Glance allows you the to see a general overview on any decisions you may be feeling a little lost with. Using the original Pamela Coleman cards created in 1909.

You can shuffle the cards, or simply click them to show what card has been chosen, then if you click again, you will see a text interpretation. 

Tarot For Love

Present Situation

How they feel about you



This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading.

A bonus or raise is in the near future.

A bonus or raise is in the near future.

Three people may be involved in a dispute or go their separate ways.

Tarot For Career

Present Situation

Where to focus



If you are unattached and you deal out this card, you are being guided towards that special someone who is about to walk through the doorway of your heart and leave its indelible mark on you forever. The Lovers card always brings choices. Love is the strongest emotion we know and it can literally move mountains. The desire to be with your special person can overwhelm you and override all logic or other sense of clarity.

The time for a new adventure. Are you feeling restless and need to get away? Take that chance.

It can be a new life created out of the wisdom of the lessons you have learned from your past and even from the mistakes you have made. If there is someone in your life whom you would like to reunite with, now is the time to approach them and rekindle lost friendship, or long lost love.

This card is generally a big “YES!” card, confirmation that what you seek is on its way.

Tarot For Friends

Present Situation

Where to focus



A time of waiting, of being patient while the crop ripens or the project matures.

A time where one person has won out at the expense of two other people.

You will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true.

It is time to take a rest, have a break, maybe have a holiday or in some other way remove yourself from current pressures.

Tarot For Money

Present Situation

Where to focus



Now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now.

The seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.

You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart or perhaps child birth or a wedding.

The time for a new adventure. Are you feeling restless and need to get away? Take that chance.